Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Intuitive Eating: Chapter 4

Chapter 4, "Awakening the Intuitive Eater: Stages" introduces exactly that, the stages of beginning intuitive eating. This chapter points out that intuitive eating is a process and that it is not linear (I am definitely finding this out!)

The following stages are explained:

Stage One: Readiness-Hitting Diet Bottom
Basically you are tired of being tied to the scale, worrying about food, have a negative body image, think and worry about food all the time, etc.
Speaking for myself, I believe I have hit diet bottom which is why I chose to start an intuitive eating journey.

Stage Two: Exploration-Conscious Learning and Pursuit of Pleasure
This is a stage of hyperconsciousness where you reacquaint yourself with intuitive signals. You begin to make peace with food by giving yourself unconditional permission to eat and get rid of guilt-induced eating. This involves honoring your hunger, recognizing body signals, and respecting fullness. A point is made that this exploration stage is not the eating patterns you want to establish for a lifetime.
This is currently the stage that I'm in. I'm just starting to explore intuitive eating and learning how to eat what I want (within reason) without guilt. I don't quite trust myself yet, but I'm learning, and I'm hopeful that it will get easier.

Stage Three-Crystallization
At this stage thoughts about food are no longer obsessive and eating decisions do not require as much directed thought. There is a greater sense of trust in food choice, biological hunger is separated from emotional hunger, and you can experience feelings without the use of food.
I can't wait to reach this point!

Stage Four-The Intuitive Eater Awakens
At this stage you should have a comfortable, free-flowing eating style and it is easier to stop eating when comfortably full. You realize that eating healthier foods make you feel better and you have less of a need for the formally "forbidden" foods. There is an acceptance of body and shape and your body is on its way to approaching a natural weight.
I hope to reach this point.

Stage Five-The Final Stage-Treasure the Pleasure
At this stage it is easier to honor and respect fullness, you have given up using food to cope with emotions, eating is a source of pleasure vs affliction, you exercise to feel better, nutrition makes you feel physically good and healthy, and weigh settles to a natural states.

This process doesn't happen quickly and I realize I may be at the exploration stage for awhile. I'm willing to spend more time on this process!

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